In a world of standardized fashion we want to make an exclamation mark!
Our garments are supposed to bring out the wearers personality, who reinforce them with different accessories depending on occasion and mood for the day.
In this over consuming society it feels more and more important that the things we make are durable. Therefore we try not to slavishly follow all trends, hoping that in three years time you will still want to wear your minded garment.
The fashion image of today is often mainstream, lacking messages. Most of our prints convey commitment and female strength, after that it´s up to the wearer to interpret it. More or less like a piece of art. We simply want to increase the awareness in our society.
A good fit and quality is high priority. All paper patterns, the main part of the samples and also some of the production is made by minded themselves.
Minded was launched in Gothenburg late autumn 2001 by Linda Berggren and Patrick Holthammar. They have both been in the business for some years. Linda used to work as a dressmaker and constructor of paperpatterns. She has also managed production and worked as designassistant in Twist & Tango.
Patrick has a past in sales and for several years he has been the agent for male brand Revolution.
Minded ´s office and showroom is located in Gothenburg, Sweden.